A mouse goulash was an unwelcome sight in Alpirsbach. The offender paid for his prank with three days and nights detention—but some thought this was not enough.
In 1540, several citizens from the Alpirsbach area placed a convicted man in the local prison. This "Zimmerhansli" from Römlinsdorf had played a dirty prank. He had served his guests a very special goulash, one that had a mouse in it! This kind of culinary experimentation was not welcomed in Alpirsbach and demanded a severe punishment.
The "Zimmerhansli" from Römlinsdorf allegedly spent three days and nights in the Alpirsbach prison's tower as punishment. However, the monastery's administrator, Wendel Zipperl, found this punishment too lenient. A dirty prank such as this should be handled properly, in order to dissuade anyone from repeating it.
Zipperl turned to the ducal authority in Stuttgart and brought his case against the "Zimmerhansli." However, the officials in Stuttgart found the original punishment to be sufficient, much to Zipperl's chagrin. The punishment stayed at three days and nights.